Al-Anon/Alateen NC/Bermuda District 5
Serving groups in Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Stanley and Union Counties
NC/Bermuda Convention
Please join us at the 50th North Carolina/Bermuda Al-Anon/Alateen Convention for a weekend of recovery!
March 14-16
Online Bookstore
You can now purchase conference approved literature online from the District 5 Literature Office!
Office Hotline
A great service opportunity! Volunteer to help cover the office hotline during off hours.
District Openings
Interested in serving at the District Level? New officers needed beginning Jan. 2025.
Descriptions for positions are in the District Guidelines Contact our District Representative for more information.

New to Al-Anon?
Weakening the Impact of Alcoholism
(An Excerpt From the Forum)
Growing up in a home with active alcoholism permanently stained my soul. But in Al-Anon, I’ve learned that even though I can’t change my past, I’m not hopeless. Maybe because tea is my favorite beverage, this image helps me understand that the impact of alcoholism can be diminished.
Once I put a teabag into a cup of hot water, nothing is going to get the tea out of the water again. However, if I pour that tea into a bigger container–a bathtub, for instance–and then fill the tub with clean water, the tea will still be in the water, but the effects will be greatly weakened.
The more fresh water I add, the weaker the tea-like characteristics become.
Every time I go to a meeting, read my Al-Anon literature, talk to a program friend, or connect with the God of my understanding, I’m adding fresh water to my tea-stained heart and soul. The impact of alcoholism will never be completely gone, but its power to color my life continues to fade as I “Keep Coming Back”.
(Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al-Anon Group Headquarters, Inc. Virginia Beach, VA)
By BJ, New Jersey

“Let the peace and serenity of the program grow in you one day at a time.”
“When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, let the hand of Al-Anon and Alateen always be there, and let it begin with me.”