Literature Office

Al-Anon and Alateen Literature

To purchase literature, please visit our office at 2810 Providence Rd, Suite A4, Charlotte,NC 28211 or visit our online bookstore. 

Charlotte Area (704) 523-1159
Toll Free 1-877-523-1159


The literature office is open Mon, Wed, and Thurs from 10am to 2pm and Tues from 6pm.  Please call the office before visiting to make sure we know you’re coming.

If you purchase your order in the local office, payments may be made by check, Zelle or Venmo. The local office does not accept credit cards:

  • Checks Payable to: District 5 AFG 
  • Mailing Address:  Al-Anon Information Services District 5 NC                                                                                                                                                                  2810 Providence Rd. Suite A4                                                                                                                                                                                      Charlotte, NC 28211                                   
  • Zelle
  • Venmo address: @Donation-District
  • The online bookstore takes credit card payments only, and automatically calculates shipping when shipping option is selected.  
  • You may select ‘For Local Pick-up’ instead of the shipping options, if you do not want your order shipped. In this case, you must come to the Charlotte office to pick up your order and shipping will not be charged. Your credit card is still the method of payment for orders marked “For Local Pickup”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Many thanks for your order and for your continuing support of the Al-Anon and Alateen Information Services and Literature Distribution Office!


Online Bookstore