Annual Anniversary Potluck & Speaker Meeting
Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church 4921 Six Forks Rd., Raleigh, NC, United StatesAnnual Anniversary Potluck and Speaker Meeting on November 14th
Annual Anniversary Potluck and Speaker Meeting on November 14th
In-Person Al-Anon Meetings at 6:30pm & 8:00pm at the Anuvia Center (upstairs). Zoom Meetings at 6:00pm; 8:00pm; 10:00pm Zoom information: Meeting ID: 856 8829 2603 Passcode: 734912 One tap […]
In-Person Al-Anon Meeting 9:00am at Anuvia Center (upstairs) Zoom Meetings at 9:00am; 12:00noon; & 3:00pm Zoom information: Meeting ID: 856 8829 2603 Passcode: 734912 One tap mobile numbers: […]
In-Person Al-Anon Meetings at 6:30pm & 8:00pm at the Anuvia Center (upstairs). Zoom Meetings at 6:00pm; 8:00pm; 10:00pm Zoom information: Meeting ID: 856 8829 2603 Passcode: 734912 One […]
In-Person Al-Anon Meeting 9:00am at the Anuvia Center (upstairs). Zoom Meetings 9:00am; 12:00noon; 3:00pm Zoom information: Meeting ID: 856 8829 2603 Passcode: 734912 One tap mobile numbers: +13126266799,,85688292603# […]
Meeting Location: The Joy Room
Flyer/Registration, Conference Schedule.
Registration Form, Convention Program
Flyer, FAQ, Schedule of Events; ZOOM Flyer
ZOOM Flyer
Meeting Location: The Joy Room