District Meeting
Providence United Methodist Church 2810 Providence Rd., Charlotte, NC, United StatesMeeting Location: The Joy Room
Meeting Location: The Joy Room
Flyer/Registration, Conference Schedule.
Registration Form, Convention Program
Flyer, FAQ, Schedule of Events; ZOOM Flyer
ZOOM Flyer
Meeting Location: The Joy Room
2023 Spring Assembly Open House & Fellowship Information AMIAS_ALATEEN Workshop 5-20-23 Assembly Spring Assembly Agenda – May 20, 2023
In-Person or Online. ZOOM Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85190275323 Meeting ID: 851 9027 5323 Passcode: Area42
Al-Anon International Convention Registration Is Open! Dear Al‑Anon Members, We are excited to announce that registration for the 2023 Al‑Anon International Convention with A.A. participation, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, […]